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Creativity as a motor for innovation at Factory Berlin

“360 XR Room” – Interactive Mixed Reality Room with 3D Sound Technology from WESOUND


Copyright pictures: Factory Berlin


Factory Berlin, Europe’s largest international innovation community, sets new standards in creative cooperation between companies, start-ups and visionary thought leaders. Assigned by our joint venture partner Riverside Studios, we developed a 3D sound system for the ‘360 XR Room’ of Factory Berlin, which was presented for the launch of the Creative Code on May 29, 2019.


The 360 XR Room is a mixed reality room with an interactive 720-degree projection mapping in real time. Our task was to make the virtual world audible through conceptualisation and implementation of sound software and technology. The system allows 3D artists – from their own PC – to stream audio to the on-site network and create a hi-fi 3D sound field, which outputs into over 60 invisible sources within the room.


By using the latest technology in the 360 XR Room, which operates entirely without VR glasses and 3D headphones, a special immersive experience is being made. Multiple visitors can interact with the installation simultaneously in order to advance even deeper into the virtual world. For Factory Berlin, the room created here offers a three-dimensional projection surface for various artistic content.

At Riverside Studios, we’ve been exploring the intersection between technology and creativity for a long time. WESOUND is a valued partner with a proven expertise in 3D sound technology. The interplay of the sound contents produced by Riverside Studios and the sound technology developed by WESOUND makes Factory Berlin’s “360 XR Room” a truly impressive experience and clearly shows how tech and sound mesh effectively.

(Martin Eyerer, Managing Partner Riverside Studios & Chief Innovation Officer der Factory Berlin)


  • Client: Factory Berlin / Riverside Studios
  • Agency: NEEEU
  • 3D Sound Technology: WESOUND
  • Video: diego delgado estudio
  • Song: Ciccone


VR / AR / MR